RELENTLESS Pursuing a passion for God

Like many other areas of life, our passion for God can erode to the point that we are spiritually blah. If you are currently or ever in a rut in your spiritual life then this is the study for you. In the Bible David is described as a man after God’s own heart and he shared this heart for God in the more than 70 Psalms that appear in the Bible. As we sample this collection we will see what it takes to a have a renewed passion for God. You too can experience a reignited passion for God For more go here


Does the Bible Talk About That?

TV shows, movies, magazines, books and the internet are full of strange theories and ideas about issues of the paranormal, extra-terrestrial and life beyond the grave.  But just what does the Bible have to say about any of these strange but popular issues?  Find out in this study as we find out how the Bible speaks to these fascinating topics.

Listen to the complete series here

Basic Understandings



Is it possible to contact the dead?



Are there aliens among us?



What about lost civilizations?



What about Ghosts?



What about near-death experiences?



What about Doomsday?



What about Utopia?

I Will Come Again

No subject captivates the mind and heart of a believer as the return of Jesus does. Jesus promised to return, angels predicted His return, the apostles taught of His return and Christians look for His return. In this series you will learn what the Bible actually teaches and learn how your life can be different today as you live in light of His return. Go here for more